Protecting the interests of clients
The main principles of the team are emergency and sincere assistance, responsibility and accuracy of necessary actions.
Our clients don't feel the overall workload of the specialists and when we work with other clients.
Our main goal is to resolve all kinds of customer problems with a positive result!
Heads the team sincerely kind, responsive, empathetic and, on the other hand, a very strong and fair person.
Experience of 22+ years in the field of legal services. Conducted over 7,000 cases in courts of various jurisdictions, including international law matters.
There are a huge number of certificates, reviews, and letters of appreciation for the protection and support of the rights of citizens, entrepreneurs and legal entities.
The management team consists of practicing lawyers with decent experience in the legal and accounting field.
The Company was established to provide legal protection of property and other rights of citizens, legal entities and foreign citizens.
Company's mission and goals
“Legal Technology” LLP is a consulting company, which provides services to commercial, non-profit, government and other organizations, individuals, foreign citizens, as well as established to provide legal and accounting services, engaged in various fields and industries, to represent and protect their common interests, property and other interests, to achieve social and other socially useful purposes, as well as for other purposes aimed at providing public benefits and the benefits of our partners and clients.
MISSION of “Legal Technology” LLP:
- improving the legal literacy of citizens and private business entities;
- protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the company's partners and clients.
OBJECTIVES of “Legal Technology” LLP:
- representing and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the company's partners and clients;
- interaction with public authorities to address key business issues, coordination and implementation of social and economic programs of the state;
- examination of existing normative legal acts;
- development and submission of proposals on improvement of normative documents to legislative and executive authorities of various levels;
- holding round tables, seminars, conferences and meetings on legal literacy, both independently and jointly with government agencies and other organizations;
- promoting the development of foreign economic activities of entrepreneurs;
- providing legal advisory services, protection of rights and legal interests in courts.
Our principles
We do not recruit many cases and do not take them into our production unless there is a 100% guarantee of achieving a positive result for the client.
We do not delay the resolution of your case and do everything in our power to achieve positive results.
3. Raising the level of professionalism
Theory is 20% of success. Practice provides the other 80%. Our lawyers learn and apply their skills in practice.
Participation in business events
- Speaker of the round table “Dialogue Kazakhstan - Russia. Force Majeure: what do we need to know today?” within the framework of the international industrial exhibition “Innoprom – 2022”, organized by the All-Russian Public Organization “Business Russia” and the Trade Representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, held on 05.07.2022 in Ekaterinburg;
- Participant of the round table “How to do business in Kazakhstan?”, organized by the Trade Representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation together with the Union “Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, held on 11.07.2022;
- Participant of the webinar “How to do business in Kazakhstan? Discussing with the Kazakhstani Trade Mission in Russia”, organized with the support of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, held on 17.08.2022;
- Participant of the webinar “Business Relocation to Kazakhstan”, organized with the support of the Trade Representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation and the Canadian-Eurasian Chamber of Commerce (CECC), held on 15.09.2022;
- Participation of General Director T.S. Chernopolskaya in the Interregional Export Forum MEF'22 in Perm on 13.10.2022 as a presenter of the master class “All about legal support abroad. What to do now to save your business”;
- Participation of General Director T.S. Chernopolskaya as a speaker in the webinar with the participation of entrepreneurs of Vladimirovskaya region, organized by the Trade Representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation on 26.10.2022 on the topic: “How to do business in Kazakhstan? We discuss with the Trade Representation of Kazakhstan in Russia”;
- Participation of General Director T.S. Chernopolskaya as a speaker at the international forum-exhibition “Russian Industrialist-2022” in St. Petersburg from 29.11 to 01.12;
- Participant of the forum “International Forum Astana 2023” as a listener in Astana 09.06.2023;
- Participation of General Director T.S. Chernopolskaya as a guest at the exhibition “INNOPROM Yekaterinburg” on 11.07.2023;
- Participant of the international industrial exhibition “INNOPROM. Kazakhstan 2023” in Astana on 26.09.2023;
- Participation of General Director T.S. Chernopolskaya as a guest at the 19th interregional forum of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia in Kostanay 09.11.2023;
- Speaker of the round table from the business club “Tatarstan.KZ”: “Legal regulation of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan” on 26.01.2024;